105 The Ride, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7DL

020 8805 1858

Pupil Premium, Catch up Covid 19 fund

PE and Sports grant

Pupil Premium strategy report

As our students require a differentiated approach to learning. We endeavor to assist them in breaking down barriers to their learning. The pupil premium enables us to meet individuals’ specific needs in a variety of ways.

2021/2022 Pupil Premium strategy Impact Attainment Report and Pupil Premium policy

2022/2023 Pupil Premium strategy

2023/24 Pupil Premium strategy

Catch up Covid 19 funding

2020/2021 & 2021/2022 Covid 19 catch up funding 

PE and Sports Premium

Evidencing the impact of PE and Sports Premium 2023-2024

Year 7 Catch up

The literacy and numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 pupils who did not achieve at least level 4 in reading and/or maths at the end of key stage 2 (KS2). All state-funded schools with year 7 pupils receive this funding.

In the context of Waverley school, all year 7 students attending will not have achieved level 4 in reading as all our students work below national expectations. The premium will therefore be used to ensure all year 7 pupils have additional support towards establishing and/or embedding communication systems.

Please email the school for further information –  info@waverley-school.com

Pupil progress

Please click here for the link for the DFE performance tables


We have one member of staff that is earning over £100,000.