105 The Ride, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7DL

020 8805 1858


DFE age range                3 -19
Category of Need          SLD and PMLD
Number (2023-2024)    167 pupils on roll

Admission Criteria

Waverley School is a Local Authority maintained special school for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties. All pupils at the school have an Education, Health, and Care Plan. The London Borough of Enfield manages pupil places and all requests for school places must be arranged through the SEND team via sen@enfield.gov.uk or call 02038211919. 

For all pupils, their learning disability is their overarching need and many have co-occurring complex medical and/or physical needs.

Pupils at the school are at the earliest stages of communication with the majority of pupils being non-verbal. The majority of children and young people will require the use of alternative or augmentative approaches and aids to support their communication. 

Children and young people attending the school will typically have a life-long and complex learning disability which may require a multi-disciplinary service response and their ability to make progress will be severely limited across all areas of development.

Pupils generally have considerable difficulties with social interaction, communication, and understanding.

Many pupils have behaviours that could be considered challenging.

Pupils are likely to have severely limited self-help skills and minimal awareness of danger.

Pupils are predominantly dependent on additional support for personal care skills and are usually reliant on additional support for activities and travel.

Where there has been standardised testing of cognitive functioning, children and young people will be assessed as being below the 1st percentile.

Impairments may cause a severe loss of, or difference in, physiological or psychological function. Children and young people may have little control over their physical functioning.  They may have difficulties with swallowing, feeding, and drinking, dysphagia.  Many have an additional neurological impairment such as epilepsy and their impairment may have a profound effect upon their ability to access learning and on their attainment and achievement at school. Some children and young people may have a gastrostomy tube to enable their nutritional needs to be met.

A few children and young people may also have significant health needs which require regular or continuous medical intervention, such as suctioning or aerosol-generated procedures (AGP). Children and young people may require a wide variety of specialist equipment in order to access learning and to support the development of their learning and of their physical and communication skills.

School settings

Virtual tourOur main school is a single-story building for pupils in Year 2 to Year 14. There are 13 classrooms, as well as specialist rooms for Art and Music. Each classroom has a shared individual learning space and each department has a kitchen. Each department has toilets located near the classrooms. We also have a swimming pool, a training pool, a hydrotherapy pool, a sand and water room, a library, an IT suite, a sensory room, a soft playroom, and a sensory gym. We have three playgrounds which are divided into departments to enable age-appropriate play. We have a gymnasium which is also used for assembly, P.E. and performances. We have a meeting room and family room, nurses room, and therapy offices. We have gardens for planting and two sensory gardens one of which has a memory tree.

Our two Early Years/Key Stage 1 settings are located within a mile of our main site. 


Virtual tour: Waverley at Honilands has 27 places across 3 classes for Nursery, Reception, and Key Stage 1 pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties. Children in the Nursery and Reception age range are functioning significantly below their chronological age in most areas of development and are typically working in the birth to 12-month range of development in most areas. They have an inconsistent developmental profile. Pupils attending Honilands generally move to the main site when there are spaces at the mainsite. 

Waverley@Bell Lane

Virtual tour: Waverley at Bell Lane has 18 places for children with autism in Key Stage 1. The style of teaching in the provision is low arousal in comparison to the rest of the school as it is tailored to the needs of the cohort. We deliver a curriculum which is organised as an Early Years setting. Pupils attending Bell Lane move onto alternative provision when they have completed Key Stage 1.

Please click here for the admission guidance and our Admissions Policy





























"The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding. Teachers and support staff have a deep understanding of pupils’ needs. They are highly effective in developing pupils’ communication, academic and personal skills."
Ofsted March 2019